
E-Garden Learning 是一個線上第三方學習平台,為不同年齡學生或成年人搜尋全球精英導師或課程,在E-Garden Learning 你可以搜尋到世界各地不同國籍的老師及各類科目的教育機構課程, 毋需親身飛到當地學習, 方便快捷而有效地學習。各個課程亦適合不同年齡的學生, 細至3歲至成人都適合, 非常廣泛, 學生亦可身處不同地方及國家學習,多元化於一身。

E-Garden Learning is an extensive online third party learning platform that provides professional English courses for all different age groups, ranging from a minimum of 3 years to adults. Within this platform, you can search through different varieties of Educational Institution subjects with the access of teachers all around the world. Our platform provides a convenient and efficient format to find the right class for students.