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Karen Chan


大家好,我叫Karen,現年21歲。我在香港出生和長大,但13歲那年去了英國學習。現在,我正在英國約克大學修讀心理教育學學士學位,一所英國羅素集團內的大學(英國頂尖大學集團)。我曾修讀不同種類的科目,並在英國會考(GCSE)和英國高考(Alevels)中獲得了優異的成績,包括英國語文,中文(A),數學(A),音樂(A *),科學(B),西班牙語(C)和心理學(A)以及雅思成績達到7級的成績。就我以前的經驗而言,我之前在一些托兒所教過1-1課程,還教過1-1鋼琴課程,並且目前是網上心理學老師,網上平台為-Tutorful。我可以用粵語,英語和普通話教書,對教學充滿熱情,也喜歡與孩子互動,可以自由選擇我作為您的老師,希望有機會教導你! Hi everyone, my name is Karen, currently 21 years old. I born and raised in Hong Kong but I went to the United Kingdom to study when I was 13 years old. Now I am studying BSc in Psychology in Education in The University of York (UK)- a university under the frame of the RUSSELL GROUP universities of UK (UK top universities group). I have studied a range of subjects and gain high grades in GCSEs and Alevels, including English Language, Chinese (A), Mathematics (A), Music (A*), Sciences (B), Spanish (C) and Psychology (A) as well as a level 7 in IELTS. For my previous experiences, I have taught 1-1 English classes in some nursery centres before, 1-1 piano lessons as well as currently being an online Psychology teacher with an online platform - Tutorful. I can teach in Cantonese, English and Mandarin and very passionate to teach as well as love to interact with children, feel free to choose me as your teacher and I hope to see you in the future!
